Tito Miguel Costa
Refactoring ideas

MySQL and phpMyAdmin on Fedora 16

How to setup MySQL and phpMyAdmin on Fedora 16

For my surprise, after installing MySQL server, there was no service mysqld in /etc/init.d, so I could not start mysql server with the command /etc/init.d/mysqld start

Installating MySQL

# yum install mysql-server

So it seems that now, to start a service we must run the command systemctl.

# systemctl start mysqld.service

In case you want to enable the mysql when you start your computer:

# systemctl enable mysqld.service

Another thing that hit me by surprise is that phpMyAdmin doesn’t work out of the box, you need to configure some options.

Edit the files /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf and /etc/phpMyAdmin/config.inc.php (main one).

In my case, I set a random string to the blowfish_secret option, changed auth_type to cookie instead of the default http, and changed to TRUE the option to allow no password (AllowNoPassword).

After a restart of the apache server (# systemctl restart httpd.service), I was ready to go.

11 November, 2012
MySQL, Fedora, phpMyAdmin
